
About the Owner & Our Mission

Jack Goforth is the owner of JLG Training Services. Jack has over 40 years of sales experience, starting with being an Air Force medical recruiter for 13 years, and holds numerous awards for his expertise and service to his country for 20 years.

A man and woman shaking hands over a table.

Career Goals

Mr. Goforth has trained and mentored almost 400 people in sales. He has the experience and expertise to show new agents how to make money in this business, no matter how the economy is. Mr. Goforth's goal is to get the highest satisfaction rating from his customers as to their experience with his school.

One of the main things that sets JLG Training Services apart from our competitors is our high pass rate on passing the tests the first time. Jack is now a branch manager for Connect Realty and spends most of his time training and mentoring new agents to be successful in real estate. He arranges one-on-one sessions and study groups to assist people in passing the exam right the first time.

Business Mission

At JLG Training Services, our mission is to help prepare anyone who wants to get into the real estate industry by assisting them to get qualified to pass the state exam and start their real estate career.

A person is pointing to a drawing on paper.